This project was really interesting, and I learned a lot. The assignment was to take pictures of different kinds of fruit and vegetables. Some would say you can´t get a potato or an onion to pose, and I´ll say they are wrong. Only thing you need is a patient and creative photographer. I even got some interesting pictures of the canned pickles.
I went home with ideas about apples, pears and bananas, but the only thing in the fruit bowl was a rotten apple and a mango that looked like it had seen better days. So I headed out into the pouring rain with my camera in one hand and my umbrella in the other. Destination: Dads vegetable garden. The pictures got better and better, especially since it was raining and the raindrops reflected the light.
After this I went inside and started digging in the fridge, in every single cabinet and shelf I knew there was something edible in and started taking pictures. I ended up with a couple good shots. Here are some of them:
After this I went inside and started digging in the fridge, in every single cabinet and shelf I knew there was something edible in and started taking pictures. I ended up with a couple good shots. Here are some of them:
This is an apple with Indian Corn. Totally inedible I think, but really pretty and colorful.
Bamboo! Yeah, we have bamboo in our garden... it didn`t actually qualify for a fruit or vegetable but... it is green, and edible so what the heck. These two pictures are taken in the same light and they are of the same bush, but they have two very different expressions and a whole different feel.
These berries were a nice combination. The picture was taken in bad lighting, but i retouched it in iPhoto, fading the colors and putting on and antique effect, something that worked really nicely.
The house still smells like coffee. This photo is also retouched in iPhoto. I upgraded the contrasts and boosted the colors.
I found these and went nuts...
Pretty but gross... :)
Now this is one of my favorites. When I downloaded it to iPhoto it was flat and boring. After making it into a black and white the stripes in the onion became more visible and this makes a composition that drags the eye inward and therefore creating depth and movement in the picture.
Jeg ligte veldig godt disse bildene du hadde tatt av frukt, bær og grønt, spesielt det bildet av stearinlys og sitronmelasse, veldig inspirerende lys i bildene.